CMO Insights: How to Build Customer Loyalty

As you all know, I never pass up an opportunity to sit down with a marketer and hear which practices worked and which didn’t work for their company. I mean, what better way to learn more about this ever-changing industry …read more

FAQ: Blabbing About Blabs

Maybe its because my late mother had a talk show in the early 70’s on a local cable channel in Newport Beach, California. Her show, Broadly Speaking, a punny name coined by my father (so you know that apple didn’t …read more

CMO Insights: Walk In Your Customer’s Shoes

Trying to put oneself in the customer’s shoes is a noble notion expressed by many a marketer.  Remarkably, few marketers actually make this standard operating procedure and fewer still address the shortcomings revealed by such an endeavor.  But the real rarity …read more

CMO Insights: Leadership for the CMO

Sorry Kermit the Frog, if you think its hard being green–try being a CMO. The demands are relentless, the barriers to success are often as large inside the company pond as they are out of it and the timeframe for …read more

CMO Insights: How To Make the Most of Marketing Partnerships

After the initial success of Small Business Saturday in 2010, American Express elected to open up the program in 2011 to other companies who supported small businesses.  Designed to create a Black Friday-like effect for Small Businesses on the Saturday …read more